11 Powerful steps for healthy morning routine & How to stick to it in 2022?

11 Powerful steps for healthy morning routine & How to stick to it in 2022? Thewriteyouth.com

It is indeed a well-known fact that majority of the successful people do have a Healthy Morning routine.

They wake up early in the morning to enjoy the nature in solitude and breathe in the fresh air and no other morning schedule can be more soothing and calming than this one.

Waking up early in the morning fills positive energy within us so that we are able to accomplish all the challenging tasks of the day in a more calm and composed manner.

Having a healthy morning routine sets the stage for your entire day and helps to fill you with great energy and enthusiasm to do tasks in a more productive and a meaningful manner. 

So, rise and shine in your life by setting up a healthy morning routine. Waking up early in the morning can be a challenging task but everything will fall in place once you start enjoying the early morning cool breeze and enjoy the nature at its best.

The below proverb describes my feeling in a better manner:

It is in the early morning hour that the unseen is seen, and that the far-off beauty and glory, vanquishing all their vagueness, move down upon us till they stand clear as crystal close over against the soul.” –Sarah Smiley

Bad effects of not having a Healthy Morning routine

Believe me that the in case you don’t have a healthy and an early morning routine the day seems to be sluggish as the body is asking for some more rest and sleep.

Even the ordinary decisions seems to become difficult and the major decisions are often procrastinated because of lack of energy and frustrated mind because of exhaustive feeling.

This tiring and frustrated feeling affects your productivity and breeds dissatisfaction and it may have an impact on your relationships with other people as well.

11 Powerful steps for healthy morning routine &How to stick to it in 2022?

1. Waking up early:

You will have to first start from waking up early in the morning. Start waking up at 6 AM initially then once you get used to this schedule try waking up at 5 AM.

This will surely be a challenging task but once you get used to it you will start enjoying and loving it. The day you start waking up early you will start getting a feeling of self-accomplishment. You should feel proud of your this accomplishment because you have left many people behind already by waking up early.

For to wake up early in the morning you need to gain a good sleep of at-least 6-7 hours so that you don’t feel tired.

This will take some practice but you will definitely manage it once you start enjoying it.

2. Drinking Luke warm lemon water

Upon waking up early in the morning, you should drink a glass of lukewarm water, you can even add lemon, honey, ginger etc. this will help in hydrating your body along with refreshing you. This drink will help in cleaning your stomach and will help in detoxifying your body.

You may also try coconut water, wheat grass juice in the morning these drinks are extremely good detoxifiers.

3. Breathe and meditate in Fresh air

The quality of air in the morning is the best during the day and there can be no other healing and delighting feeling than breathing the fresh cool breeze in the morning.

Breathing in fresh morning air refreshes your mind and makes you feel energized and extremely happy.

You should try doing Yoga in the morning where you can slowly practice deep inhaling and exhaling process this will help in curbing the unnecessary stress and overthinking activity of your brain.

Early morning meditation will help in stimulating your thoughts and will increase your concentration power and will boost your memory.

All the anxiety and stress can be effectively countered with the help of meditation.

4. Morning walk/jogging/exercise:

One of the great healthy morning routine includes going on an early morning walk amid fresh air and beautiful flora and fauna.

The early morning view of beautiful plants, flowers, trees, flowing river, chirping birds amid cool and fresh breeze is simply a blessing that one can get.

You should start from brisk walking, then may be jogging and then light exercises.

This will help you in keeping your all the body parts healthy and in proper function.

Try walking bare feet over the grass in your home garden or public parks and feel the chilled water dews underneath your feet this will feel amazing and will soothe your mind.

5. Avoid using phones:

While trying all this amazing steps try avoiding using your phone as this will create distraction and will divert your mind somewhere else.

You won’t be able concentrate and meditate well if you keep your phone close.

Also, try to avoid social media, news channels early morning as this will again distract you and fill unnecessary thoughts in your mind.

It can be something specific and clear, or something more general like being more mindful or compassionate.

It signals to your brain that remembering your dreams is something you care about so it will pay more attention.

However soothing meditation music can be played while meditation and doing yoga this will make you feel good and connected.

6. Have a cold water shower:

Once you are done with your morning walk, jogging, meditation, yoga etc.

It’s time for you to take a cold water shower, this will boost energy in you.

The cold water will give an icy jolt to your body that will help in adrenaline to rush in your body that is good for your heart and will help in improving mental health.

7. Healthy Breakfast:

After taking a nice shower it’s time for you to make and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

Try to include fresh fruit juice or fruit to your morning diet, eat fresh vegetables or vegetable sandwiches, muesli, cereals etc. or anything recommended by your dietician this will give you enough energy to charge on your work with great enthusiasm and confidence.

8. Listen to music that is uplifting:

Music can make a huge impact on our lives. Whenever we are feeling low or losing our confidence a nice motivating or mood uplifting music has the power to get us back on the track.

You can listen to music while having a shower or having your breakfast this will make you feel amazing and ready to face the upcoming challenges with more confidence.

You can even listen to motivational speakers that will boost your confidence and just remember these motivating words throughout the day, they will surely prove out to be effective tools while performing complex tasks.

9. Read daily newspaper:

Reading newspaper in the morning sets the day right, it adds to your knowledge and makes you feel confident for the day. News over the ongoing happenings related to your working industry will help in boosting your knowledge and will offer you an edge over the others.

Knowledge gathered through reading newspapers will impact your decision making process and help in making logical decisions.

10. Set daily goals:

You should set the goals for the day in the morning that will act as a guiding factor for the entire day.

Sticking to your daily goals will help you to keep yourself on track and will also help you to utilize your time in the best possible manner.

You must write the major tasks to be accomplished during the day in your diary or a small notepad and upon completion of any of the task congratulate yourself by giving yourself a small treat in any form may a coffee or tea break, a small walk around the office or any other kind of activity that rejuvenates you to undertake the next task.

11. Check your progress towards life goals:

Apart from having small daily goals you might also have some long term life goals that you wish attain in your life that will give you a feeling of self-fulfillment.

Life goals can be a mix of long term family related goals and professional goals. So just jot your progress towards these goals down in your personal diary.

Just spare few hours to focus on life goals because this will lead you in the right direction in the long run.

Disclaimer: All the above given information is the opinion of the blogger acceptance and forming decisions on the basis of these points is completely the choice of the reader. There may be differences in opinion of individuals that we respect so please form your decisions based on your thoughtful process.

Greetings from Thewriteyouth.com, I am suraj Sharma the blogger of this website. I am an MBA professional who loves to travel to places and write about new technologies, finance articles, motivational articles, poetries and many more. You can reach out to me by writing me an email, I am also open for guest posting opportunities.

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