Writings based on one’s instincts is something that comes with many benefits, it may find its traces or resemblance to self-introspection process and believe you me it is one of the best ways to get closer to yourself and understand that what’s your purpose in life and where you’re actually headed, it helps one to find out his/her strengths and weaknesses and also builds the ability of acceptance within oneself.
Until the situations are accepted on the face of it, finding ideal solution towards them is like walking in the dark without a torch.
Ups and downs are a part of life and are a temporary situation, but it surely teaches us many new life lessons that forms the basis of our future courses of action for like possible confronted situations. Apart from such developed learnings based on self-experience we tend to guide others to equip them with all the possible prerequisites to avoid such adversities.
Not losing out on hope in the tough times, is the real test of time and the one coping it to the best, comes out to be strong enough to stand the future life challenges with more bravery.
These notions have evolved over a period of time within me, unprecedentedly amid various perplexed situations. When confronted with such situations the most ideal situation is to look inwards than to look outwards to find a solution in the outside world.
There is no denial over the emphasis of the moral support that one receives from its near or dear ones, and having that is a must to cope the emerged confusion or stress, but looking out for solutions within oneself is equally important in the long run.
One of the best possible way of finding out solution to one’s problem is to sit alone in solitude for few minutes or hours rather at your most desired place of placidity (a place of with plenty of fresh air/ on top of a hill or nearby a green park or a lake are some of the ideal locations) and let loose your thoughts with eyes closed for some time, feel and breathe the cool breeze and carefully listen to the chirping of the birds, (don’t forget to take along a pen and a paper) when your lost in yourself and enjoying the nature at its best, just pull a pen and a paper and start penning your thoughts down in the form of an essay/article/Song/Poetry or in any other form that you may feel.
Rhyming of words isn’t important but just jot your thoughts down gradually as you go with this process time and again you’ll find out a hidden writer in you and will feel much closer to yourself and celebrating your serendipity.
This might not offer complete solution to your problems but relax you down so as to decide what best can be done with all your strengths and senses gathered together.
Some of the benefits that I came across from this therapy are:
-It helps one to assess his/ her hidden self.
-Writings based on instincts are very unique and are a true picture of your thoughts.
-Such writings builds the ability of acceptance within oneself.
-It makes one clear of his/her thoughts and much closer to oneself.
-It helps one understand his/her strengths
-The content so written based on instincts is the real picture of you.
Hope you found this therapy useful, please share your comments and experiences as well.
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