Super Easy cooking recipes for bachelors- ALOO VEG GRILLED SANDWICH RECIPE

Super Easy healthy cooking recipes for bachelors- ALOO VEG GRILLED SANDWICH RECIPE

No other words can better describe my thoughts about cooking than the famous quote by a famous French chef Marcel Boulestin that- “Cookery is not chemistry. It…

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What causes heart attack at young age

What causes heart attack at young age?

As we are saddened and shocked to have learned about the demise of many popular personalities in the recent past and the reasons for their sad demise…

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Amazon Mega Hiring Event In India– Career Day 16th Sep’21

Amazon Mega Hiring Event In India– Career Day 16th Sep’21

Do you dream to work in a MNC? Well your dream can now come true, also if you are presently looking for a job or a job…

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Corona Virus- A Fatal Contagion

Poetry on Corona Virus-A fatal Contagion

No one knows the end to this fatal contagion, Bearing no mercy and exceptions to any religion. With its un-quenched thirst and a rising appetite It gripped…

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The ancient history of Olympics Games

A Mystery on The ancient history of Olympics Games

Brief history of Olympics: The ancient history of Olympics Games dates back to 3000 years in Greece, which was later revived in the 19th Century, since then…

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Best Web hosting &Domain Hostinger

Cheap & Best hosting and domain provider in India in 2022

There’s no better time than it is now, to make your presence over the internet felt and reach a mass of audience either to promote your business…

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Real Life applications of Pareto Analysis

Real life applications of 80/20 Pareto Principle

The 80/20 Pareto principle can be applied to make all important business or even life-related decisions, in the upcoming paras we will also discuss upon what are…

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Best Indoor plants that clean the air and remove toxins

Best Indoor plants that clean the air and remove toxins

Air pollution nowadays is no longer a phenomenon that exists in the external environment, but it has now encroached on personal living spaces as well. Merely setting…

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