Since, I happen to be a quite an observant personality, something of which I have been boasting around since my college days and being really honest I do it even now too, not even knowing what led to its discovery and to what extend my such claimed trait stands to be true at present, Hardly and little I had ever thought in my life of the challenges and the unprecedented situations that I was about to encounter, like any other youth in our country with exceptions to some that tend to have a very clear goal and predefined plans for their future on passing out of school.
The efficacy of this topic i.e. Importance of career guidance &counselling for high school students cannot be undermined during the school days of the students, it must be understood that giving the right career guidance to students at the right time will enable him to take the lead in career and avoid confusion at a later stage.
Anyways such almighty bestowed trait led me to ponder over my situation and relate it with the many like students in India based on which I now tend to identity students by their following stated qualities, beliefs and actions, and with no offences to any,
The first, kind relates to the ones who follow the advice of their parents really religiously (The Agyakari Putra/Putri) and any deviation from the same is not even thought and if so it is thought it is likely to be curbed by the process of self-re-affirmation and by convincing self strongly to stay back on track, “ohh” and if by any chance you have a sincere piece of so called “career advice” for them and even for free you better be a good debater entailing a robust and firm sets of beliefs supported by well known facts or kindly reserve the same within self.Anyways, in such cases these students are very clear of their goals at the very initial stages of their life, and they tend to develop a purpose in their life and arrange their life in accordance to the same since they know where to go, and this is because of guidance given by their elders or parents.
These students generally like to find association with the like groups having common sets of interests and tend to develop hobbies and interests related to their goals and believe you me such students usually tend to have good concentration level, strong determination, and are highly organized with high commitment level because of having a well-defined and a etched purpose of life.
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The third kind describes those who go with the flow, (The gone with the wind types), their opinions and choices of career originate from within their informal associations, and they usually follow the advice of their loved friends so religiously that they refuse to accept and decide upon something else that does not conform to their group norms. These students are highly influenced by the opinions and choices of their friends and their decisions are directly correlated with the group norms.
These students might give up on their interests and may refuse to rely on their skillsets while laying future career plans. These students might find themselves in an indecisive situation while making their career choices once their opinion does not conform to their group. Also, there are chances that their career choices may undergo several changes because of one or the other reasons arising out of situations of non-conformity to the informal group.
Therefore, it would not be wrong to recognize and form a direct correlation between the lack of clarity in making career choices of the students with their anxiety and stress levels.
A student indecisive in its career choices may end up having a high anxiety and a stress level though the same might be an expert in any of its interests areas, this increase in his/her anxiety and stress levels may hamper his/her performance not even in its related expertise sphere but might also have an impact over other areas as well.
However, there is a need to counsel such students and they must be guided well to opt for such career choices in which their interest area falls.
No, matter a student might relate itself with any of the above stated personalities, but it must be understood by them that forming career choices should be free from any biases and solely based on one’s own interest areas and there is a need to self-introspect and identify one’s own strengths and weaknesses, also it is rightly said that mastering one’s weaknesses leads him/her to the path of success, but the same cannot be guaranteed in the absence of his/her mastered strengths.
Therefore there is a need for students to be wise while forming their career choices that are free from all the biases and based on their interests to avoid indecisive situation in future leading to anxiety, tension and pressure. And if you are still indecisive on your made career choice, always remember you are never late and as it is rightly said it’s never too late to start, begin today give it a thought, bring out all the strengths in you and form a bigger picture to start something big in the sphere that you are good at.
You must understand that you’re not late it’s just you’re not in your time zone, also it would not be wrong to state some great examples of great magnificent personalities here such as former president of USA, Mr. Barak Obama, founder and former chairman of of Alibaba, Mr. Jack Ma, Founder and former owner of KFC The Late Col. Harland David Sanders, WWE Star- The Rock, Mr. Dyane Johnson and many more great personalities who met success at their respective time zones.
And most above them all “Never Give In” You shall surely succeed and nothing can stop you.
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