If you speak more than one language then it might help you to earn a little more side income, which could be a real life saver in a long run. There are many avenues available over the internet nowadays that can help you earn extra income by doing a part time translator job with just very little efforts. Freelance Translation part time job in 2023 can help you start your side hustle to gain financial independence in the longer run.
According to U.S census Bureau in 2019, almost 20% of people in US speak a language other than English. The most popular languages other than English were Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese ,Arabic and Spanish.
Now, if you know more than one languages then it may help you generate a second source of income, and in the longer run you can benefit from such side hustle and can gain financial independence.
One can apply for Latest Freelance translation jobs available all over the world through various freelancing websites and earn really good income.
One you get started earning over these platforms and you have worked on different projects this will boost your professional network and will help you get new and bigger projects with ease.
Start your freelancing translator career in 2023
You will be amazed to know that an average translator gets around USD $37 per hour paid for translation job in US. These payouts are even more than USD $100 on other freelancing platforms, these payouts may also vary from person to person based on the kind of services offered by him/her and also on the kind of project being handled by him/her.
Stepes.com: You can also find suitable and multiple translation jobs on Stepes.com– This website provides translation jobs available for all industries and in many languages.
Truelancer.com: Trulancer.com is amongst one of the best platforms for translation jobs offered by top employers. Truelancer provides one of the best translation freelancing jobs, work from home jobs, online jobs and all types of translation jobs provided by authentic employers. You can start working on Truelancer and start earning good part time income. It offers jobs for both new and experienced freelancers.
Over Truelancer you can also find jobs for giving voiceovers in different languages over videos and in return you can get paid upto $200 USD.
Gengo.com: Gengo provides professional translation services at one of the most competitive rates in the industry and in vast range of content types. Gengo provides translation services across 35+ languages and it has over 22K+ professional translators. If you know more than one languages this could be a great opportunity for you to work with Gengo, you can visit their website and create your translator account with them and can start your freelancing journey to earn good side income.
Workana.com: Workana.com is also one of the good options to start your translation freelancing career. Here you can find many projects of different variety that pays really well for performing translation jobs. You can visit their website and can find suitable translation job for your-self and can start earning.
Smartcat.com: Smartcat, for example, provides translation services. Translators can build a profile on the web, and the site will connect them with clients. “They have software that will semi-translate,” Kristof explains. After reviewing the AI’s translation, you can adjust it to smooth out the phrasing and ensure that it makes sense.
Make a profile on Fiverr/Up-work: These days there is a great demand for translators online especially for translating articles, scripts, novels etc. You can make a profile on popular freelancing websites like Up-work, Fiverr and Thumbstack and list your translation skills and start applying for suitable translation jobs and start earning good side income.
Apply on LinkedIn, Monster, Indeed, Freelancer.com: You will also find suitable translation jobs on these websites, where recruiters are looking for part-time and full time positions. You send in your application for various available vacant positions and get hired to start your freelancing career and earn good side income.
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Disclaimer: The above blog is written for information purpose only, we do not promote any website or platform, please do your own research as well before undertaking any activity relating to freelancing.